Accelerate the shift to Regeneration
Join us for a global gathering and ten year action plan for climate action, community, and systems change

Launching Spring 2025
Vienna & Silicon Valley
Global Conference
Ten Year Action Plan
Year 1
TBD 2025
Establish a ten year development plan to galvanize a global community towards action, resource sharing and interconnected support allying local bioregions with a global alliance united towards collective impact. This timetable is designed to lay out a 10 year co-creation and action plan that is both top down and bottom up, allying domain experts with grassroots leaders through a shared goal of accelerating climate action and a shift towards regeneration.

Nicole Bastien

Danielle Lanyard
Year 2
In-Person Gathering
This concept was based on two primary influences:
– Peace Corps has an international development model called PACA, where a dynamic 10 year action plan is seeded to develop a local community action plan towards a path towards sustainability and self sufficiency, from the bottom up with top down support and activators across varied silos.
– The vision and actions of Mayor Jamie Lerner in Curitiba, Brazil, which created a model for urban sustainability and economic success in the early 90s, in a developing nation.
Year 3
Taking Action
After a year of virtual roundtables, an in person gathering in Vienna, and two years of concerted collaboration, a collective plan will emerge. By Year 3, we have communed by bioregion and subject track, we have met in person and learned how to co-create with a shared vision, and now we are ready and resourced to do the work in our bioregions to activate regeneration locally. With the resources and help of the global allies formed during this process, this is the time to see theory put into action and see the vision actualized out in the world.
Action plan

Year 1
Digital roundtables by subject area and bioregion

Year 2
In-person conference in Vienna